Classic Investor

Classic Investor, fear not, While we`re moving towards digital asset transition, we haven`t forgotten our roots. We`re not forcing anyone to break with traditions - but we`re confident that you`ll find that embracing new technology makes for a smoother user experience.

The N51 platform delivers investment via conventional security rather than a security token. Its`s as simple as that: Classical stalwarts will have a tech-driven subscription process and access to all other UPSs. In time, we plan on spreading knowledge and leveraging our expertise to help anyone interested to convert to digital. This is all about the Future of Finance, remember...?

Investor Steps

Select Investment
Open Wallet
Fund Wallet
SignSmart Contract
Receive Tokens

You will be able to store your share certificates and all future payments regarding the share purchase agreement will be made directly to a bank account of your choice.

Could we not tempt you to understanding more about becoming a digital investor?, click here to speak to an expert or visit the Digital Investor page.

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Auptimate is a Singapore based technology platform governed by ACRA. they will assist N51 with all aspects of the classical investor process and ensure safe onboarding, issuance and delivery of your investment.

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